How to Block Robocalls on Avaya

It’s not a secret that robocalls waste employee’s time and are a security threat to businesses. In fact, ongoing spam calls and telephone security threats can cost businesses that use Avaya millions of dollars per year in damages. The federal government’s Do Not Call Registry offers little help and enforcement efforts by the Federal Trade Commission have done little to thwart robocalls.

Robocalls Reduce Productivity

In fact, Marchex Inc. found that unwanted robocalls cost small businesses in the US almost half a billion dollars each year in lost productivity. Unlike spam emails, spam calls can’t be ignored, and the average call lasts about 2 minutes. That’s 2 minutes of wasted time, multiplied by hundreds or thousands of unwanted calls received by companies daily.

Nowadays, it is estimated that nearly half of all calls placed are now robocalls. Therefore, for businesses that use platforms like Avaya to field thousands of calls per day, cutting down on spam robocalls is crucial.

Robocalls = Security Threat

In addition, fraud and security breaches from scam calls that gather private information can cost companies a fortune to rectify, and sometimes come with significant fines.

Companies spend millions of dollars each year protecting their I.T. infrastructure from security threats, including spam email, malware and anti-virus protection.

Yet most companies have no solution in place for stopping threats robocalls bring daily through their expansive Avaya telephony infrastructure.

Many, if not most business scams involve a phone call.

Call Control – The Robocall Solution for Enterprises on Avaya

We are pleased to introduce a Call Control for Avaya, a cloud hosted robocall blocking solution which integrates directly with Avaya Aura to provide real-time robocall blocking for your organization.  Call Control for Avaya will improve security by reducing scams and robocalls and will save your organization money by removing robocalls which drain employee productivity.

Here’s how it works:

When a call is made to your Avaya platform, Call Control checks the incoming caller against our proprietary CommunityIQ database of known robocalls and against a set of rules that each organization can configure in the Call Control Enterprise Management Control Panel.  Robocalls and other unwanted calls are then blocked and can be blocked and disconnected, routed to voicemail or quarantined to a specific extension – there is a ton of versatility on how to route and manage spam call flow.  All while allowing legitimate calls through.

The Call Control Enterprise Management Control Panel gives network administrators the ability to monitor call traffic across their network, including a detailed call history for every user, extension and DID.  Administrators can set preferences organization wide, by individual subscriber and everything in between – giving administrators a full complement of tools to monitor and control robocalls and other unwanted calls coming into their networks.

As an additional option, employees and staff can have their own accounts to provide personalized or system-wide profiles. These profiles contain allow and block lists, Time of Day and call handling preferences.

Whether you have 100 or 1 million employees, Call Control for Enterprises integrated with Avaya can scale to meet your needs. We will work directly with you to accomplish your goals and ensure a seamless integration.

To learn more or inquire about pricing, please contact us at


Call Control is protected by multiple U.S. Patents #9,491,286

It’s not a secret that spam calls waste employee’s time. In fact, ongoing spam calls and telephone security threats can cost businesses that use Avaya millions of dollars per year in damages. The federal government’s Do Not Call Registry may offer a small amount of relief to individual consumers, but it leaves businesses completely unprotected.

In fact, Marchex Inc. found that unwanted calls cost small businesses in the US almost half a billion dollars each year in lost productivity. Unlike spam emails, spam calls can’t be ignored, and the average call lasts about 2 minutes. That’s 2 minutes of wasted time, multiplied by dozens (or even hundreds) of unwanted calls received by companies daily.

Nowadays, nearly half of all calls placed are now robocalls. Therefore, for businesses that use platforms like Avaya to field thousands of calls per day, cutting down on spam is crucial.

Instead of helping customers, customer support and contact centers are forced to spend precious time answering unwanted calls. This represents a significant cost driver, and hampers productivity. When companies receive unwanted calls, staff are distracted and unproductive.

In addition, fraud and security breaches from scam calls that gather private information can cost companies a fortune to rectify, and sometimes come with significant fines.

For years, there was no solution to this problem, and spammers continued to waste the time and money of company employees and Avaya users…until now.

Introducing Call Control Enterprise, an integrated call protection solution designed with your business in mind. You can now use Call Control for Enterprises with Avaya to save your organization money and boost employee productivity.

Here’s how it works: When a call is made to the Enterprise platform, Call Control checks the incoming caller against a set of rules and our CommunityIQ database to make call handling and routing decisions. For example, when an unwanted call is made to a Call Center, Call Control will instantly hang up, or send it to a voicemail system for review.

Administrators and subscribers can view their call logs and manage their preferences from anywhere. In addition, employees and staff can have their own accounts to provide personalized or system-wide profiles. These profiles contain allow and block lists, Time of Day and call handling preferences.

Whether you have 100 or 1 million employees, Call Control for Enterprises integrated with Avaya can scale to meet your needs. We will work directly with you to accomplish your goals and ensure a seamless integration.


To find out more, visit Or contact us at U.S. Patent #9,491,286